Global Inkjet Systems


GIS Software Solutions


Atlas is a unique, modular software suite to manage the entire datapath from image to print, along with sub-systems and peripherals necessary for maximum print performance.

We are experienced in handling high data rates alongside the RIP’s, peripheral devices and integration requirements for your printing system.

To learn more about Atlas click the link below:

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 We are a leading developer of industrial inkjet software

GIS specialises in expert software for scanning, single pass, 3D and custom-configured industrial inkjet for the rapid development of user interface and control systems

Global Inkjet Systems SoftwareComprehensive Software Platform

  • Software for end users, machine development, commissioning and support
  • Single platform to cover many products
  • Supports scanning, single pass, direct-to-shape and custom applications

Global Inkjet Systems SoftwarePrint Systems Integration

  • Datapath / electronics
  • RIP & Workflow (PDF-VT, JDF, variable data)
  • Ink delivery / cleaning systems
  • Vision, monitoring, verification
  • Automation, motion, transport
  • PLCs, heaters, dryers, UV curing
Global Inkjet Systems Software

Global Inkjet Systems SoftwareQuick Route to Market

  • Rapidly develop user interfaces using production-ready components
  • Enhance, restrict and customise components for your application
  • Compatible with existing software / system platforms

Global Inkjet Systems SoftwareSDK Module Licencing

  • Fully customisable interface – including fonts, icons, colours and branding
  • Easy-to-implement language localisation
  • Complete GUI control with the ability to create tools
  • Integrate with third-party software
Global Inkjet Systems Software


Atlas User Interface

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Global Inkjet Systems Software


Atlas Control Software

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Global Inkjet Systems Software


Ink System Components

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Global Inkjet Systems Software


Drive Electronics

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Digital Front End (DFE)

User Interfaces

Atlas User Interface

Atlas User Interface is an easy-to-use graphical interface. Its modular design provides highly flexible control, and its comprehensive toolset offers custom configuration for your workflow.

  • A tailored interface is designed for users wanting to use the GIS variable data RIP, for system developers and power users
  • Software Development Kits (SDKs) are available for systems to be built for own brand customisation

3rd Party Interfaces

Atlas User Interface can also be easily integrated with 3rd party user interfaces to create a seamless visual interface and all the functionality of the Atlas suite.


Atlas Control Software

Atlas Server offers a powerful print server technology for managing the entire printing process and sub-system management, able to control a large digital printing machine or as a component in a system.

Atlas Server uses state-of-the-art RESTful communication methods across Ethernet protocol to interface with the Atlas User Interface and GIS sub-components, as well as 3rd Party applications. We also have a range of USB products using GIS’s industry standard PrintServer offering a TCP/IP command interface.

The tools convert images to swathes, and provide the drivers to communicate with the printhead drive electronics, manage print queues, fire pulse and encoder management, as well as ink systems, transport elements and more.

Software Development Kits (SDKs) are available to create new control components and drivers for any sub-systems as well as to customise existing elements.

Atlas IQ Tools

GIS Atlas Image Quality (IQ) Tools

The Atlas IQ Tools are a comprehensive software solution to optimise your digital print performance.

These include:

  • Ultra-fast binary and greyscale screeners
  • Nozzle density and missing nozzle compensation
  • Colour management, linearisation and ink limiting
  • Dynamic registration; alignment, rotation and skew
  • Print output simulation

The Atlas IQ Tools are compatible with GIS and third party RIP solutions, user interfaces and datapath drive electronics.

Download our product catalogue

Click the link below to view/download our product catalogue:

GIS Product Catalogue

 We are a leading developer of industrial inkjet software

GIS software is designed to work reliably in rugged industrial settings, with the primary objective of giving competitive advantage to customers

For more information, contact us here or call us on +44 (0) 1223 733 733