Global Inkjet Systems


Atlas User Interface & Control Software


Atlas is a software platform for the rapid development of industrial inkjet user interface.

Atlas can control a complete machine or act as a component in larger systems. Its unique modular and open design allows you to customise, as well as to integrate additional tools to enable a quicker route to market for your product.

Developed by GIS using the latest Microsoft .NET platforms, Atlas  comprises a flexible user interface platform (Atlas User Interface), as well as Atlas Control Software, a powerful server technology for managing the entire printing and sub-system process.

Atlas Server Brochure

Comprehensive Software Platform

  • Software for end users, machine development, commissioning and support
  • Single platform to cover many products
  • Supports scanning, single pass, direct-to-shape and custom applications

Quick Route to Market

  • Rapidly develop user interfaces using production ready components
  • Enhance, restrict and customise components for your application
  • Compatible with existing software / system platforms


  • Easy-to-implement language localisation
  • Complete GUI control with the ability to create tools
  • Integrate with third party software
  • Included supported languages – English, German, Spanish, Italian, Dutch, Polish, Japanese, Chinese, Korean

Print Systems Integration

Easily integrate sub-system components including:

  • Datapath / electronics
  • RIP & Workflow (PDF-VT, JDF, variable data)
  • Ink delivery / cleaning systems
  • Vision, monitoring, verification
  • Automation, motion, transport
  • PLCs, heaters, dryers, UV curing

Atlas User Interface

Atlas Interface is a modular UI design supplied with two interface options for component display:

  • Atlas Professional – a highly flexible control centre with moveable windows and advanced screen layout management
  • Atlas Operator – HMI (human machine interface) for different operator levels with fixed screen positioning tuned to touch screen applications and rapid configuration

Atlas User Interface Software Development Kit (SDK)

Offers extensive customisation options through a variety of Software Development Kit (SDK) components. Once licenced, this allows bespoke tailoring with the ability to:

  • Enhance, modify and change functionality
  • Add branding, change icons, fonts, colours and additional languages
  • Create new user interface tools to create one complete system
  • Microsoft Visual Studio .NET platform
  • Example C# source code and project files
  • MVVM (MVC) structure

Atlas Server Software Development Kit (SDK)

Atlas Server SDK offers a full software Development Kit (SDK) for the creation of new control components:

  • Create drivers for any sub-systems
  • Use existing Atlas Server platform technology
  • Modify and enhance Atlas Server components

Atlas Server Application Programming Interface (API)

  • Supplied with industry-standard HTTP 2.0 RESTful API
  • Accessible using the open-source ‘Swagger’ framework interface on a standard browser
  • Client source code and project files available for a large number of languages (C#, C# .Net 2.0, C++, Python and many more)

Atlas Professional UI

Atlas Professional UI running on the IIJ Monoprint 371HiQ
(running speed: 100m/min @ 600 x 1200dpi)

Atlas Direct-to-Shape Software for Cylindrical and Conical Shapes

The Atlas Direct-to-Shape UI is a custom module that can be added to extend the core functionality of the Atlas Pro software. It is ideal for the growing market opportunities in the digital direct-to-shape (DTS) container printing sector for short production runs and promotional campaigns.  It comprises a graphical interface that is compatible with most axial symmetric shapes for hollow glass and plastic and metal containers in packaging. The UI provides a 3D shape creation tool and a 3D printed object preview.

A sample of the Atlas toolset features

System Status

This tool provides live feedback to the user about the status of the Atlas Server and GIS Print Server. It has dimension sensitive rendering to fit into different aspect ratio dockings.

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

Transport/Motion control

This tool provides jog control for X,Y and Z (if enabled) axes as well as a Stop, Home, Start Position, Load Substrate and Maintenance Position pre-programmed buttons. Real time feedback is given on the position of the axes.

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

RIP configuration

Provides control over the setup of the Atlas Server and GIS PrintServer, including colour management, linearisation and screener settings.

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

Printhead view

Provides system developers with information about printhead alignment, nozzle bank ink mappings, nozzle enable.

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

Job queue

Provides the end user with queues from which to set up jobs, start jobs, monitor print progress and abort jobs. Supports drag and drop or single click operation. Multiple queues for completed, available and error.

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

Ink system monitoring and control

Provides operator control over the ink system. Per ink view of bulk ink storage levels, current ink system mode (Off, Idle, Recirculating). Ink Header Tank temperature, warning, errors and purge control (global and individual).

Global Inkjet Systems Atlas Software

 We are a leading developer of industrial inkjet software

GIS software is designed to work reliably in rugged industrial settings, with the primary objective of giving competitive advantage to customers

For more information, contact us here or call us on +44 (0) 1223 733 733